Cancellation conditions: Personalized
We have a non-refundable pricing policy and therefore if you wish to cancel your booking we are unable to offer you a refund. The only exception to this is our 30days befor arival cancellation policy, which allows you to cancel any booking 30days befor consumation of the original booking being made by calling our partner Team. A cancellation can only be processed up to 30 days prior to the start of your booking. Please note, a cancellation fee is applicable and additional costs, such as credit/debit cards.
In certain circumstances when you are unable to consume the booking, such as medical reasons, your travel insurance may cover the cost of your flights and we recommend you contact them to discuss reimbursement options.
In exceptional circumstances, such as bereavement, we will offer you another possible booking to be used as soon as possible if agreed with you. The decision to offer a a new booking is made at the discretion of their Customer Service Team