-WINDLASS continuously blocked
-Chain guide worn, the chain gets stuck repeatedly
-Broken vendo station
-Electrical system on land not working
-Navigation lights not working
-Didplay control panel broken
-Empty gas cylinder for stove, half-empty reserve cylinder
-Chartplotter not working
-Fridge door not closing
-Spraywood unusable (opaque) and with broken hinges
-50% of the hatches do not hold the rain
-countless other problems
Upon delivery the owner Angelo tells me that the insurance does not cover night navigation!
Adriadni must not sail and must not be present among your SAMBOAT offers.
The week before the rental I wrote you an email asking for the actual state of the boat and if it had any problems, I was confirmed that everything was in perfect working order, FALSE information.
The shipowner, if he is a seaman, cannot assume such an incorrect attitude
Emiliano Gemma